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The liberal left taking back America.
My internet service at home is down for a day or two...will post more as soon as connection is back up...
PLO leader Yasser Arafat died Wednesday, November 10 in Paris, France bringing an end to his nearly 40 year reign as leader of the Palestinian people. I offer my deepest heartfelt condolences to the Palestinian people for the loss of their leader and the hope of a peaceful homeland he once represented. May his passing be a force that can unite his people to appoint a new leader who will be able to secure the blessings of a Palestinian state and finally make peace with Israel. May Allah bless his soul.
This article by Arianna Huffington is extremely inspiring and more of what I think we need to do as Democrats:
Looks like Dennis Kucinich is an active proponent for making sure that every vote in Ohio is counted. May not change the outcome of the election, but at least all of the concerns that have popped up since the election will be addressed and, hopefully, resolved. has an article about advances that progressives are making in the "red states." These are the kind of grass roots advances that we need to make to change the face of this country for the better. Also, it reminds us that within the "red states" there are pockets of "blue" that need nurturing. Bush may get all of the electoral votes from "red states," but votes within those states were not unanimous and we need to remember that.
An interesting article in the Washington Post discusses that liberal Christians view moral issues as more than abortion and gay marriage. Furthermore, on the issue of gay marriage, a full 56 percent of all Christians think that infidelity and financial problems are the greatest threats to heterosexual marriages. Only 22 percent chose same sex marriage.
Two good articles here:
This is a scary article. Again, one more example of how the liberals and democrats have allowed the right to define them.
Gersh Kuntzman has written an article on that I just loved. Finally, a reporter and pundit who has asked the question: "Since when are liberal values immoral?"
Black Box Voting is an organization that wants the 2004 election audited because of voting irregularities in several states. Here is a quote from an e-mail that I received:
Sarah Anderson wrote an article for Common Dreams about why we should stick around the US for a while.
Keith Olberman of MSNBC had a blog entry about problems with vote counting in Ohio and Florida. I have read several stories over the past week about counting irregularities in both Ohio and Florida, but I have been skeptical that these stories would ever make it to the mainstream media.
Someone sent me this link asking me if I was willing to keep the dialogue (between left and right I assume) going. It is an article written by George Will in the Sacramento Bee.
Well, for anyone who thinks moving to Canada is a good option, Slate has published a few good articles about that subject. Looks like there are a few options open. We could move to Canada, or secede from the Union. Either choice is rife with complications and problems. I'll admit, its a tempting notion, but we must remember that leaving the US would mean we give up the right to vote for a better president next time. And I for one, am not yet ready to give up on the grand experiment just yet.
The NYT editorial page has a good article about election reform. I especially like making election day a holiday. I cannot believe that in 2004 we still have a problem with minority voter suppression.