"The power of negative thinking is especially important to opposition parties that have little ability to set government's agenda. Which brings us to today's Democratic Party.
In the wake of President Bush's narrow reelection victory, there's much musing suggesting that Democrats are obligated to try to work constructively with the White House. The advocates of what we'll call Getalongism insist that Democrats will pay a price for "obstruction" -- which of course is just another word for standing up against ideas they oppose.
And now the Republicans are moving to weaken Social Security -- one of the great achievements of progressive government -- in the name of strengthening it. They are willing to borrow massive sums to start private accounts that Republican strategists such as Grover Norquist freely concede are designed to create a new generation of stockholders -- and Republicans. Kristol's now irrefutable logic suggests that Democrats would be fools to be complicit with putting the country further into hock to undercut a program that works for the purpose of creating more Republicans. "
This is a great article in the Washingpost. I love it. I have said it before, and I'll say it again, one of the things that hurt Kerry/Edwards the most was the support they gave to Bush on some of his policies. They painted themselves into a corner. They were stuck with saying, "we agreed with him then, but think he's wrong now, so vote for us!" or "he was right, but we can do it bettter!" Either is a weak arguement.
If you and your party disagree with the platform of the party in charge, at least stand up and say its wrong and vote that way. Your position may not be popular, but at least you'll have the courage of your convictions.
No more mamby-pamby, middle of the road-ism. We're liberals, democrats and progressives and our ideas are based on good values. So, let's stand by them!