Monday, August 15, 2005

2006 Senate Race Map Coutesy of DCCC

This is a cool map that the DCCC has put together that breaks down the Senate races in 2006. There are several states where a republican is currently holding office, but where we have a very real chance to turn that around. One is Pennsylvania, where people have really tired of Rick Santorum's puerile poltical practices.

Find your state and see what you can do to make a difference on the local level! Our mid-term and non-presidential year elections as just as important as (if not more so) this time around. If we can take over either the House or Senate (hopefully both), we can really put the brakes on gwb's failed policies and demand full accountability for the problems our country is facing.

Get busy people!!


At 7:14 PM, Blogger Michael said...

I'm not a prayin' man, but I'd get on my knees right now if it meant a defeat for Santorum.

Sad thing is, he'll just become a lobbyist or a high-paid "consultant" and still be able to influence policy with his brand of brain-dead, knee-jerk, right wing insanity.


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