Thursday, May 26, 2005

Remember...You Heard it Here First

Yesterday, I complained about Christ Matthews espousing WH talking points about the Democrats being obstructionist. Well, Media Matters for America has also picked up Matthews' allegiance to the neocons.

Furthermore, Media Matters reports that Joe Scarborough (former republican congressman) has distorted polls so that it appears as if Americans don't support the right of the minority party to filibuster.

They are encouraging individuals to contact MSNBC to voice their dissent in the way they are orchestrating their political stories. How they report the news matters!

Here are some e-mail addresses:

or snail mail:

MSNBC on the Internet
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052


At 3:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I linked to your post from Huffington. Odd, we have some opposing political views but stunningly similar cultural tastes.

What keeps left and right from coexisting?

At 12:09 AM, Blogger liberalprogressive said...

I think left and right can coexist just fine. I have many friends who are much more conservative than I am and I have a great deal of respect for them. We do not have to agree all of the time to share the same values and cultural tastes. In fact, its the differences that I most admire.

What I do not like about the current political climate is the zero-sum attitude that does not allow for a diversity in ideas or the recognition and acceptance of diversity within our society.

It is easy to slice people up into little groups and assume you know everything about them based on stereotypes and an idea of who you think they are. It is difficult to transcend that narrow view and recognize not only the diversity within a group and the similarities that connect groups together as people.

I hope my inarticulate midnight ramblings make some kind of sense.

Thank you for reading my blog.

At 5:51 PM, Blogger halcyon67 said...

I have to agree liberalprogressive. It seems as if Republicans do not want dissent to exist, and we as a society have seen this over and over again. Quite Frightening actually.

At 3:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry! I am a bad respondent. Good observations, but I think we are actually arguiing the same side of the fence. I have not met many conservatives who dislike or wish to suppress dissent. I think what makes them uncomfortable is the perception that the liberal side of the house wants to move too far too fast.

If we start from a conversational point of what's your vision for our nation? I find the stories remarkably similar. What happens is how we get there from here. That's when things go all pie shaped...

At 10:45 PM, Blogger liberalprogressive said...

Jonathan...from where I sit, its the conservatives who want to move too far too fast...but backwards.

At 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I understand your concern. I would posit that among the "conservative" range there are a variety of gradients. Most wold fall into the fiscal / libertarian category. Regrettably, it has been the social / extremists who have been grabbing all the coverage (intentional scare mongering I contend).

We risk jeapordizing our dialogue when we too quickly lump a group as having the same aspects. I would no sooner categorize all liberals as socialist leftists.

Keep the faith, people are notoriously smarter than they are given credit


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