Nuclear Meltdown Averted
It appears that a nuclear meltdown of the Senate has been averted. Seven republicans and seven Democrats reached an agreement yesterday in which Democrats would allow a vote on 5 of Bush' s nominations and republicans would avoid using the nuclear option, this time.
I am glad that an agreement was made. I think that using the nuclear option would have been disasterous for the American people. It would have been a true breech of our trust in the system. I think the potential use of the nuclear option is nothing more than a power grab by power hungry conservatives who cannot stand to hear any opposition to their policies. It was an attempt to completely decimate the democratic process and permanantly silence the Democratic party, ensuring that the American public only had one option for political representation.
As it stands, I think this agreement falls far short of ensuring that our political process will remain free from republican manipulation. While I think taking a step back from the nucelar option is a good thing, I think that this agreement unnecessarily restrains Democrats while securing no guarantee from the republicans that they won't play the 'nuclear' card in the future. Here are some of my concerns:
- There is no guarantee that republicans will actually give thoughtful consideration to the records of the five judges who will have a vote under this agreement. In other words, this agreement may give the president the rubber stamp agreement from Congress that he wants and the 7 Democrats who signed this agreement will have given it to them without making the republican extremists take responsibility for ramrodding these people through the confirmation process.
- If Democrats try to filibuster a nomination they feel in good conscience is not a good choice for the American people and if one of the republicans who signed this agreement feels that the decision has no merit , they can still invoke the nuclear option and change the rules anyway. In short, this agreement could be used to keep Democrats from filibustering any nominee for any reason.
- There is no guarantee that the nuclear option won't be invoked to change the rules should one or more seats become available on the supreme court.
- There is no guarantee that the nuclear option won't be invoked if Democrats try to challange or block controversial legislation.
I would like to believe that my fears are without basis and that both Democrats and republicans will honor both the words and the spirit of this agreement, but considering rhetroic and lies that have come out of this administration and the republican party, I am worried.
it would be much harder to use the "nuclear" option on mere legislation since the senate doesn't have a duty to pass legislation while it does have a duty to advise
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