Missed chances
Well, it seems as though I have missed a lot of chances to voice my opinion over the past few weeks. A lot has happened---the death of Terry Schiavo, the death of Pope John Paul II, the election of Pope Benedict XVI, Tom Delay's continued scandal with his distinct lack of ethics, the passage of the Bankruptcy Bill that disproportionately marginalizes average Americans and keeps them beholden to their debts indefinitely while giving greater opportunity for irresponsibility to the wealthiest people in the country---the list goes on and on.
How could I have failed to comment on all of this? Well, all I can say is my full-time job, (the one that pays my bills and keeps me from starving) has kept me on my toes recently. But rest assured that I have no intention of giving up this blog or my right to broadcast my opinion across the blogosphere. Like it or not, I am here to stay, so stay tuned for more indepth coverage of future events. Until then, here are some random thoughts on recent events.
Terry Schiavo---May she find the peace in death she did not have in her last days. And shame, shame, shame on the rebuplicans, the President, Congress and the religious right for using her to forward a political agenda.
Tom pay-no-attention-to-the-crook-behind-the-curtain Delay---Does he really think people will believe that his lack of ethics, morals and character is really the fault of the Democrats? Hint to Delay: The Devil made me do it didn't work too well for Charles Manson. He's still in prison as I recall. You may want to re-think your "the Democrats are to blame" defense and start taking some responsibility for your actions.
Pope John Paul II---May he rest in peace. He did a lot of good for the Catholic Church, despite the fact that I disagreed with JPII on several issues.
Pope Benedict the XVI---Not my first choice for Pope, but I am withholding judgement on him, for now. I had hoped that the Church would show an unprecedented display of openess by choosing a Pope from North Africa or Latin America, someplace that does not have a lot of political clout but where the Church has a very strong presence. I thought that it would be an opportunity for the Church to really lead the world towards a more just society by truly bringing these areas under their sphere of influence and bringing attention to areas that have been unduly affected by the spread of AIDS, poverty and globalization. But I guess that was too much to hope for.
Bankruptcy Bill---see paragraph 1 above...also, I am very disappointed in the 73 House Democrats who voted for this bill. If the Democrats would trutly stick together, they would find that more of the bills the republicans are trying to ramrod through Congress would fail. Hello, guys and gals, the only way we can show the American people that we are on their side is to vote on their side.
I know that there are other issues that I am leaving out, but not to worry. I will get to them soon.
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