Miscelleaneous and Sundry news items
Here are some of the news articles that I'm reading today:
American Values
Unequal Payday
Faith Based Pandering
Some interesting quotes from this article:
"I am pausing now to wonder if the phrase "people of faith" is meant to include Muslims with several wives, Hindus with several deities or even the odd person here and there who believes, as I am sometimes tempted to, that God can be found in a pint of Ben & Jerry's Coffee Heath Bar Crunch. But I think somehow that "people of faith" is meant to embrace only conservative Christians and maybe Orthodox Jews, who are sometimes lumped together as Judeo-Christians. People of faith, you may rest assured, are people of their faith. All others need not apply."
"The invocation of the phrase "people of" is no different when preceding "faith" than it is when preceding "color." It's a bold signal of mushy thinking, a corralling of people who have nothing in common other than a perceived -- and often fictionalized -- enemy. "People of faith" mischaracterizes what the political debate is all about."
Delay's Dodge
The Silencer
What I Didn't see in Iraq
"Everything we have been told about Iraq by the Bush administration has either been an outright lie or overwhelmingly false."
Smoke Gets in Our News
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