Think We'll Be Spooked by Robert Novak? FAT CHANCE!
Looks like Robert-pay-no-attention-to-the-leaker-behind-the-curtain-Novak is up to his old tricks again. As soon as the Democrats elected Dean as their party chair, he immediately jumped on board the republican-spin-wagon repeating by rote the usual party line on Dean almost as if Rove himself wrote the script:
Dean's a loose cannon. Out of control. The Democratic party is "aimlessly adrift." "Mired in unreality."
One would think that he expects the Democrats to take their talking points from the republican play book. I guess that's what he would think. That has certainly the Dems M.O. in years past. But the election of Dean is an acceptance by Dems that we need to start creating our own agenda and speak to the country from our heart about our values and why they're important to every day people. We can no longer base our platform on just responding to the flaws in the republican propaganda. We must counter their propaganda with truth. Fight back. Clearly state our values. And stand by our values as if our lives depended on it...because it does. I think Dean recognizes this need and will not give an inch to spin-meisters like Novak.
I seriously question the motives of anyone who tests the limits of our national security by revealing the name of an undercover government operative for political purposes. The kind of person who would do this holds no credibility with me and is no one the Democrats should kowtow to. Fear what you have to say, Robert Novak? Fat Chance!
Well said.
I'm of the opinion that Dean will probably shift the party a bit to the left. However, this is where the Dems belong. The Bill Clinton Centrists are now also considered 'left' when compared to the Neo-Con take over. This is something to build on, and Dean's the guy to do it. I'm pretty sure he'll be smart enough to bring in the right people to solidify the this is his specialty. What worries me is the very likely candidacy of Hillary. While (going on record here) firmly behind any such decision...I worry about possible in-fighting. Democrats can be very effective at tearing down candidates before Republicans ever get hold of them. Perhaps a Clinton/Obama ticket? I just hope the party can re-reunite in 06/08 like this past year. The evangellical turnout looks to be a fluke, and this can be capitalized on.
Oh...remind me again why Novak hasn't been charged with treason, again?
Republicans have become a party of yes men. It makes me sick, I am a Democrat, but how can anyone still call themselves a Repub and support this admninstration without throwing up in their mouth every time they do I have no idea.
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