Thursday, January 06, 2005

Breaking Electoral News!!

It looks as though Barbara Boxer will be the brazen US Senator to step up and challange Ohio's vote!

I personally commend her character to stand up and shine a light on an issue that I think needs to be addressed: the way we vote and tabulate votes in this country. As much as I and other Democrats/liberals/progressives would like to see this overturn the election results, we are well aware that the chances of that happening are nil. However, it is truly important that we address the election problems we have in this country. We cannot and should not sit idly by while our electoral process if rife with even the slightest hint of fraud or voter manipulation. We are the biggest and best democracy on the planet. If our elections cannot stand up in the cold hard light of day, how can we call ourselves a democracy? So, let's examine the process and improve it for future elections.

I say, "Bring it on!"


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