Monday, November 29, 2004

Dems...stick to your guns

Helen Thomas wrote an interesteing article yesterday. She basically argues that, instead of fleeing to Canada, democrats need to stick to their guns and their core values; economic security and prosperity, diversity, good education for all, health care for all...those are the real family values. Values that help build our communities. Not values that divide and separate our communities through fear and hatred of one another. We need to protect the interests of everyday Americans by speaking out against legislation that will continue to erode the rights and lives of our citizens. We may not make a lot of political gains over the next 2-4 years, but we can create our own political clout by standing by the American people while the other party reveals themselves for what they truly are through the privitization of our rights to the benefit of corporate America and calling it "personal responsibility." There's a word for that, isn't there?

"Historically, the Democrats have focused on the safety net issues, dating back to Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal and Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society. That's when the word "compassion" had some meaning.
Some pundits believe it was the so-called social issues, including abortion rights and gay marriages, that turned the tide for Bush in the Nov. 2 election. And indeed, the GOP enlisted the support of churches for those causes.


Democrats should stand their ground. Voters in middle America will soon find out that real family values translate into a good education, health care for all and economic prosperity. In other words, Democratic values will again be appreciated."


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